So. One day, quite a few months back in March I went and got my hair cut. I walked in the door, and I'm going to guess that from the look on every one's face, it was a lot shorter than they had expected. I knew that, but was trying to get used to it, because once you cut hair...its cut. Right? Right. So I get home, and Whit tells me that since I've already made a pretty drastic change, I may as well change some more, right? So we decide to make me a brunette. So I go to Sally's, find a color, come home.....and walla, I'm brunette. That was fun. I liked it, but I've always had this total desire to be blond. So when it started growing out, and was obviously time for more color, or something, I decided to try blond. So, back to Sally's. *DISCLAIMER* BAAAD IDEA!!!! Got the color i wanted, and we gave it a shot. I knew it was going south, when its 11:00 on a Saturday night, and Whit is putting it in and says "Is this all you bought?" As she only had half my head covered. Well, she made it work. So at least I was all over...Orange. Yes, it turned orange. Whats' worse, is that I had to go to church the next day. Ug. Well, first thing Monday morning I had an appt to get it "fixed" That didn't work either. After being in the salon for 5 hours, I came home WORSE than when I left. Trying to lift a dark color, doesn't work. Well, at this point, I had colored my hair twice in 48 hours and it was fried. I had to leave it alone for at least 2 weeks so that it could heal. That was the greatest news EvEr! During this 2 week span, my family would be visiting, and I ended up going to AZ for almost 2 weeks. SO it wasn't until a couple weeks ago, that I was finally fixed. My friend Panda's AMAZING sister was in town, from SLC, and guess what?? She's going to Paul Mitchell Beauty school. It just so HAPPENED that I texted Panda the WEEKEND Kenzie was in town, asking her if she had any suggestions on how to fix my "Orange skunk hair" cuz guys, that's TOTALLY what I looked like. Yes, an Orange skunk. So anyway... Here's the pics. Kenzi totally fixed me up!
This is My natural color, before any color at all....High school days....
Finally blond. Its still got some orange highlights in it, because she just weaved the blond in, but we are definitely on our way to a full recovery, I think!
Talk about unwanted stress!!! :) Just kidding. It makes things exciting and fun, and that's just the way I like it :)
Kari, I'm way excited you have a Blog! I was just telling James the other day I should of planned it better and I could of went out there and helped you with the kids this week. maybe next time. HOpe you are doing ok!
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