Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"I'm not in Utah anymore"

The same day as the construction project. . .. well, Day 2 of the construction project. . . Here was what we passed as we walked to the Market to buy our weekly produce and treats :)

Its kind of nerve racking to be driving and see a horse and whip behind you in attempt to pull you over :) Just kidding. This is the Clydesdale we see all over downtown. There are a couple of them, and they are the police horses. Very friendly, they would let you touch them if you wanted. . . . But I don't really want to, so I just take the pictures. I leave the touching for Megan. .. she likes it.

The picture above was taken as we were leaving the office. It was walking down the street in front of us. When we turned the corner, I saw the horse and got all excited, and took a picture. After taking the picture I said to Megan "That's not very exciting, its just a horse, no one is going to know that it belongs to the police dude" She quickly responded and said "Dude, its a horse tied to a parking meter, with a car in front of it, and police bikes behind it. . . .tell me you don't see that every day in Utah". . . she's so smart, that's why I like her :) (Even if she could be old enough to be my Mom. . . sorta ;)

This was after our Market run, and the officer had just finished lunch and had gone back to the parking meter to retrieve his horse. Kinda cool. I'm not a dork, tourists take pictures of the horses all the time. . . I was assured that the officer didn't mind. . .

And Last. . . but not least . . .

The Red bull car. . . .made me laugh SUPER hard. Don't think I've ever seen one before. What a sheltered life I've led. All in a day's lunch hour :)


Nutmeg said...

Old enough to be your mom?!?! Come on?!?!?!

samsthree said...

I was curious and look what I found. Love the blog!! Don't let Michael harras you too much.